Aviva has selected VPS as a specialist partner.

Working in association with

Avi­va recog­nise the poten­tial increase in claims when prop­er­ties are vacant and the impor­tance of not only pro­tect­ing prop­er­ty when vacant but reg­u­lar­ly inspect­ing and main­tain­ing it.

Avi­va has select­ed VPS as a spe­cial­ist part­ner to help cus­tomers secure, pro­tect and main­tain vacant property.

VPS works with cus­tomers to rec­om­mend and imple­ment the best fit-for-pur­pose solu­tions com­bin­ing tech­nol­o­gy and phys­i­cal resource, to pro­tect, man­age and mon­i­tor prop­er­ties and sites in order to pro­tect their value.

With ser­vice cen­tres across the UK, VPS pro­vide region­al, same day and 24⁄7 sup­port to sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce costs as well as strength­en­ing and improv­ing safe­ty and insur­ance compliance.

The range of ser­vices includes:

How we work:

  • Find­ing the best-fit, cost sav­ing solu­tions com­bin­ing tech­nol­o­gy with peo­ple as required
  • Man­ag­ing com­pli­ance require­ments from an insur­ance, health & safe­ty and lia­bil­i­ty perspective
  • Sup­port­ing cus­tomers to meet their envi­ron­men­tal, sus­tain­able & social cap­i­tal goals
  • Pro­tect­ing asset value

Con­tact us to get a free quote:
0161 300 5017 (Please quote “AVI­VA”)

Our Accreditations

VPS Group business units Nexus and VPS Site Security are approved by the SIA within the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) for Security Guarding, Key Holding and CCTV.

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