Maintain your empty property.

Working in association with

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors estimates that properties adjoining poorly maintained empty homes can be devalued by 18%

All theft, van­dal­ism, squat­ting, arson & burst water pipes are dai­ly occur­rences across the coun­try, and emp­ty prop­er­ties are a tar­get. VPS can clean and clear your sites remov­ing haz­ards and pro­tect­ing you from pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty risks. We can help you main­tain your property’s val­ue, by keep­ing it pre­sentable and in work­ing order, ready for re-occupancy.

Choos­ing VPS, you have the right experts at your dis­pos­al, as and when you need them – elim­i­nat­ing the need for mul­ti­ple suppliers.

The ben­e­fits of a well main­tained property

  • Reg­u­lar inspec­tions and main­te­nance pro­tect the val­ue of an asset and enable con­tin­ued insur­ance cover
  • Risks are reduced and prop­er­ties and sites secured 247
  • Low­er insur­ance risks
  • Pro­mote bet­ter neigh­bour­hoods and main­tain their values

Exten­sive ser­vices to main­tain your property

VPS offer a full range of ser­vices to help ensure upkeep of vacant prop­er­ty and that the prop­er­ty is ten­ant­ed or ready for its next use as quick­ly and seam­less­ly as possible.

If you’re unsure which solu­tion is best for you, con­tact one of our VPS experts.

Our Accreditations

VPS Group business units Nexus and VPS Site Security are approved by the SIA within the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) for Security Guarding, Key Holding and CCTV.

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