Water & Utility Drain Down Services
When your property is left vacant, even for a short period of time, there are a number of security measures which we recommend to help reduce theft, arson, squatters and other unauthorised activities.
Eliminate water damage with our drain down solutions
Any measures put in place will help reduce damage to your property whilst vacant, however many property owners underestimate the catastrophic effect water damage can have on their vacant properties. From burst pipes to metal theft of pipes, the impact of the water ingress can be significant, and is often not covered by insurance if a system drain down has not been implemented.
VPS Drain down and reinstatement services are a cost effective preventative measure and include the drain down of all water systems, as well as the switching off of other utilities such as gas and electricity services.
Water system drain down
Eliminate water damage, whether caused by a burst pipe, metal pipe theft, or act of ill will, by draining down all water systems. In addition, a system drain down removes the opportunity for the potentially fatal Legionella bacteria to grow in stagnant unused water reservoirs within the system. As added security, when the system is entirely devoid of water VPS installs its PacLock a – simple device unique to VPS which fits over the stopcock and is fastened with a padlock, preventing the water supply being turned back on by unauthorised personnel.

Utility turn off
Whilst at your property, and where feasible, VPS can also ensure all other services such as gas and electricity are turned off, reducing the risk of gas leaks and potential fire threats. In addition, we will take meter readings to ensure no discrepancy with previous tenants.
Reinstatement of services
When the services are required to be reinstated our multi-skilled experts are on hand to reinstate your system. If it is a water system, we will do this in accordance with ACOP L8 criteria. We can also organise the reinstatement of gas and electricity services.
Reducing the risk of Legionella
VPS understands the widespread damage a Legionella outbreak can cause. Negative PR can result in a loss of revenue, and where a fatality results, corporate manslaughter charges may be faced. VPS recommends that clients adhere to the ACOP L8 criteria (as enforced under the Health & Safety at Work Act) and chlorinate all systems on refilling to ensure that the system is clean and safe for consumption and use.
Related Solutions
For further information on these solutions, contact us today.
Our Accreditations
VPS Group business units Nexus and VPS Site Security are approved by the SIA within the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) for Security Guarding, Key Holding and CCTV.